I-SEC TECH receives flight and passenger data from the airline carrier a pre-defined number of hours prior to departure of a flight. This data is then scheduled to be processed withing an hour. You can check if data is available for the X-Check application by selecting the proper airport here below.

Select Departure Airport

Four different statuses are shown in the table:

"Expected" (gray)
When a flight is scheduled in the flight schedule of the airline carrier, the status will be visible in the table as "Expected" on a gray background.

"Available" (green)
After flight and passenger data is processed and made available, the status will be visible in the table as "Available" on a green background.

"Canceled" (Orange)
If a flight was initially scheduled and it's operation was canceled before we received and processed the data, the status will be visible in the table as "Canceled" on an orange background.

"Data Unavailable" (red)
If the flight and passenger data is not processed withing one hour after it was scheduled to be processed, the status will be visible in the table as "Data Unavailable" on a red background.
In most cases, this is because the flight information file was not received in time from the Airline.
Any "Red" status will always cause I-SEC to take apropriate action.